
Sidestepping the Perils of your Garden Plants

There is a surprisingly large number of plant species that render themselves poisonous to our furry companions. Although some are more toxic than others, it’s important to survey your garden, identify these perilous plants and either restrict or remove them for the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

Did you know that by either adding bran flakes to your pets’ food or including more vegetable fibres in their diet, they may be less inclined to seek out your garden vegetation?

A practical way to assess the most common of these poisonous plants is to classify them according to which system in the body they affect:


Melia azedarach (Syringa berry tree)
Alternative common names:
Seringa; Persian lilac; bead tree; berry tree; Cape lilac; China berry; China tree; white cedar (English), maksering; sering; bessieboom (Afrikaans), umsilinga (isiZulu)
Why?: The leaves, bark, flowers and ripe fruits of the Syringa berry tree are poisonous, with the berries containing the highest concentration of meliatoxins, causing a high mortality rate in affected animals who eat the fallen berries.






Cannabis sativa
Alternative common names: “Marijuana” or Dagga” plant
Why?: It’s the THC in the plants leaves that cause intoxication in animals when they either ingest the actual plant, or ingest the owners supply of the dried leaves, or products make form the leaves like cookies or other edibles. Second hand Marijuana smoke is effects pets.






Amanita Pantherina
Alternative common names: Panther Cap and False Blusher
Why?: Amanita Pantherina or “Panther Cap” is extremely poisonous. They grow under large trees in South Africa and are thought to have been accidentally introduced with trees imported from Europe. They typically flush when the temperature drops after good rain.






Datura (Moonflower)
Alternative common names:
Devil’s trumpets, Moonflowers, Jimsonweed, Devil’s Weed, Hell’s Bells, Thorn-apple
Why?: An annual weed with prickly fruit consisting of tiny pitted seeds. All species of Datura are poisonous, especially their seeds and flowers.
Did you know? Angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.) are closely related to Daturas and are also highly toxic. These beautiful woody trees and shrubs are nevertheless popular ornamentals throughout the world.






Brunfelsia pauciflora (Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow)
Alternative common names:
Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow, Morning-noon-and-night, Kiss Me Quick, Brazil Raintree
Brunfelsia pauciflora is a species of flowering plant in the family Solanaceae, the nightshades. All parts of this plant can be poisonous to pets but it is often the seed pods falling off the tree that are particularly attractive and often eaten.






Clinical symptoms:

  • muscle tremors and/or spasms
  • restlessness
  • respiratory difficulties
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • excitement alternating with depression
  • excessive barking
  • agitation
  • hallucinations
  • staggering gait
  • dry mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth
  • increased respiration rate or constant panting
  • ataxia (loss of coordination of the limbs, head, and/or trunk)
  • paralysis
  • digestive upsets
  • drowsiness
  • seizures


Ornithogalum thyrsoides
Alternative common names:
Chincherinchee, Star-of-Bethlehem or Wonder-flower, Tjienkerientjee, Tjienk, Wit-tjienk, Viooltjie (Afr.)
Why?: A bulbous plant species that is endemic to the Cape Province in South Africa. Pets are effected when they chew on the plant and ingest it.






Ricinus communis (Castor-oil plant)
Alternative names:
Castor Bean, Castor-oil-plant, Mole Bean Plant, African Wonder Tree
Castor seed is the source of castor oil, which has a wide variety of uses. The seeds contains ricin, a highly toxic component that inhibits protein synthesis; ingestion of as little as one ounce of seeds can be lethal. Ricin is also present in lower concentrations throughout the plant and is toxic to dogs, cats and horses.






Araceae family:
All the plants in the Araceae family contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in their leaves and stems. Chewing or biting into this plants leaves or stem release sharp crystals which become embedded in the mucous membranes of their mouth and tongue causing severe pain and irritation of the mouth and GI tract.

Toxic plants included in this family are:

– Elephants Ear (Caladium, Malanga)






Dumb Cane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection)






Delicious Monster






Arum Lily (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florist’s Calla, Garden Calla)






Alternative names:
kaffir lily, caffre lily, cape clivia, and klivia
The flowers contain lycorine and other alkaloids that are toxic to cats when ingested. Although the bulb is considered the most toxic part of the plant, cat owners should not allow their cat to eat any part of this dangerous plant. Large quantities must be ingested to cause symptoms of toxicity however it’s estimated that complete kidney failure can occur within 24 to 72 hours after ingestion. Because of this, it is imperative you take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as you recognize any of these symptoms or if you catch him in the act of eating the plant. There is no antidote for clivia poisoning, but there are other effective treatment methods available.  






Clinical symptoms:

  • vomiting
  • acute diarrhoea
  • bloating
  • cramping
  • blindness
  • multiple organ failure
  • severe pain
  • paralysis of the tongue
  • excessive salivation
  • difficulty swallowing because of a numb mouth and throat


Alternative names:
Sago Palm, Fern Palm
Cycad palms produce three toxins: cycasin, beta-methylamino-L-alanine, and an unidentified toxin. All parts of the plant are toxic, but the seeds contain higher levels of cycasin than other parts of the plant. Dogs usually ingest the seeds. Although toxic, the young leaves are palatable.






Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Alternative names:
The most common species being Microcystis. Dogs are exposed to this species by drinking or swimming in water contaminated with it. Intoxication occurs when they groom themselves, subsequently ingesting the toxic algae.






Amanita phalloides
Alternative names:
Death cap mushroom
One of the most poisonous of all know mushrooms, the death cap is extremely toxic to animals even when only a small amount is ingested. It’s toxins cause acute liver failure and can also damage other organs such as the kidneys and the intestinal tract. These toxic mushrooms resemble several edible species (caesar’s mushroom and the straw mushroom) commonly consumed by humans, increasing the risk of accidental poisoning. Amatoxins, the class of toxins found in these mushrooms, are thermostable: they resist changes due to heat, so their toxic effects are not reduced by cooking. Found growing under large trees like oak, chestnut and pine.






Clinical symptoms:

  • appetite loss
  • excessive salivation
  • depression
  • early symptoms can manifest themselves as gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting, salivation and diarrhea
  • permanent liver damage



All Lilies are toxic to cats so owners should make sure that their cats never have access to these plants. The entire plant is toxic and toxicity may occur when mouthing on or ingesting parts of the plant. Ingesting any part of the plant can cause kidney failure within 36 – 72 hours.

Toxic plants included in this family are:

– Asiatic lily





– Calla lily






– Day lily





– Easter lily





– Peace lily
The Peace lily is mildly toxic to animals when ingested. The peace lily is not a true lily from the Liliaceae family. True lilies are far more  toxic to cats and dogs. The Peace lily contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause skin irritation, a burning sensation in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, and nausea.





– Tiger lily





– Lily of the valley






Clinical Symptoms:
Nephrotoxin in the above mentioned lilies can lead to renal failure within 24-72 hours of consumption. It only takes ingestion of one leaf to commence renal decline.

  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drooling
  • Increased urination, followed by a drastic reduction in urination for 1 – 2 days.


Oleander family of plants:

Nerium oleander
Alternative names:
Nerium, Oleander
Nerium oleander is one of the most poisonous commonly grown garden pants and is toxic in all its parts






Yellow oleander
Alternative names:
Lucky nut
All parts of the Yellow oleander plant are toxic to most vertebrates as they contain cardiac glycosides.






Digitalis (Foxgloves)
Alternative names: Foxgloves, Dead man’s bells, Witch’s gloves
Depending on the species, the Digitalis plant may contain several deadly physiological and chemically related cardiac and steroidal glycosides.  The entire plant is toxic (including the roots and seeds).






Lily of the valley
Alternative names:
May bells, Our Lady’s tears, Mary’s tears
The bulbs, flowers and berries of the Lily of the valley are poisonous. The whole plant has toxic levels of cardiac glycosides, but the bulbs contain the highest levels. Nearly 40 different cardiac glycosides have been found within the Lily of the valley plant. They also contain saponins, which is also toxic to cats and dogs.






Clinical symptoms:

  • Early indications of ingestion manifest themselves in the onset of gastrointestinal tract symptoms, such as diarrhoea, vomiting and excess salivation.
  • More severe signs subsequently follow including acute heart and respiratory distress, disturbances in cardiac rhythm and heart failure.
  • low blood pressure
  • seizures
  • coma


All  onions, raw or cooked are dangerous. They contain thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body to burst.






Clinical symptoms:

  • anaemia
  • jaundice


Rubber euphorbia (Poinsettias)
Poinsettias, of which there are many varieties, contain a milky latex in the stem that is severely irritating to the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract. The toxic principles in the latex of euphorbias are diterpenoid esters. These plants are sometimes regarded more of an irritant rather than toxic, however, poisoning by poinsettias is more frequently encountered in cats.






Dianthus caryophyllus (Carnations)
Alternative names: Carnation, Clove Pink, Pinks, Wild Carnation, Sweet William
Why: Particularly in cats when their skin comes into contact with the flower.






Grass seeds:
Grasses such as Spear grass, Rooigras (Themeda triandra), Assegaaigras and Bur Bristle grass (Setaria verticillata) have seeds that can penetrate the animals skin. This is most common between the toes of the animal but the seeds can also penetrate the skin, nose, eyes, eyelids, ears, gums or soft palate. Once the seed has penetrated the skin, they are able to migrate far inside the body.






Clinical symptoms:

  • Symptoms associated with grass seeds and awns are determined by the shape of the seed and are specific to where it has lodged itself on the pet:
  • Eyes may become inflamed and red.
  • Sneezing or nasal discharge.
  • Scratching the ear or shaking of the head.
  • Chewing on an agitated area of skin may result in abscesses developing.
  • dermatitis

What to do if your Pet is Poisoned?

  1. Have your veterinarian’s contact details along with an ER vet and Pet Poison Helpline pre-saved on your phone so it’s always available in case of an emergency.
  2. As soon as you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic substance, remove them from the area where the suspected intoxication occurred.
  3. Remove any residual poisonous substances from other pets or your children’s reach.
  4. Call your veterinarian or the national 24-hour Poisons Information Helpline on 086 155 5777.
  5. Ensure your pet is breathing and acting normally.
  6. Keep a sample of the toxic material and any other information that may be useful to the vet or the Pet Poison Helpline expert.
  7. Do not give your pet any form of prescription or over-the-counter medication to try remedy the situation without your vet’s consent.
  8. Do not feed your pet milk, oil, salt or any other home remedies.
  9. Never induce vomiting without first consulting your veterinarian.

Keep in mind that there is a narrow window period when professionals can induce vomiting or pump the stomach of toxins to save your pet. Your reaction time may make the ultimate difference in saving your loved one’s life, so act immediately.

The severity of the associated symptoms fully depends on the quantity of toxin that has been ingested and how promptly they are treated thereafter. Plant poisoning in our pet pals is uncommon, but there have been reported cases of related fatalities. By being aware of the types of plants you have in your garden, you can prevent an unnecessary incident or tragedy from happening.

Additional toxic plants to keep your pet away from:

  • Azalea
  • Baby’s breath
  • Begonia
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Cyclamen
  • Gladiola
  • Hosta
  • Ivy including the following: California, Branching, Glacier, Needlepoint, Sweetheart and English.
  • Milkweed
  • Morning glory
  • Pothos
  • Tulip/Narcissus

Avoid Other Forms of Pet Poisoning @ Home:

  • Store all household cleaning material, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, paint-related items, chemicals and vehicle-related products in secured cabinets out of your pet’s reach.
  • Even small doses of medication such as antidepressants, vitamins, pain killers, cold medicines and diet pills can be deadly to cats and dogs so keep them out of reach from your pets.
  • Only use pest baits or traps (for rats, mice, snails or cockroaches) in areas that are inaccessible to pets.
  • Only administer prescribed medication from your vet to your dog or cat as many human medications can be fatal to animals.
  • Everyday household items can cause serious harm to your pets, so keep the following inaccessible to them:
  • Consult your vet before applying a flea prevention product to sick, old or pregnant dogs.
  • Do not use products intended for dogs on cats, and vice versa.
  • Restrict your pets from accessing areas that have undergone insecticidal fogging or house sprays as indicated on the instructions.
  • Restrict your pets from gardens that have been treated with herbicides, fertilisers or insecticides until they have dried entirely.
  • Consult with a product’s manufacturer if you are unsure how to use it safely in your house.


Written for inFURmation
by Taliah Williamson

Disclaimer: The information produced by Infurmation is provided for general and educational purposes only and does not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you suspect that your pet has a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.


Lilies and Cats – Be Aware of These Poisonous Plants in Our Furry Felines

Easter is just around the corner in many parts of the world. With this holiday comes a bounty of delectable sweet treats and gorgeous flower arrangements. Indeed, there aren’t many things that are more stunning that fully bloomed Easter lilies. Unfortunately, those plants and many lilies are exceeding toxic to cats. Given the proximity to the Easter holiday, I wanted to dedicate some time to educating feline parents about this important toxicity.

Lilies and Cats

Photo by Krysten Merriman

Lilies – Which ones are toxic?

There are dozens of lily plants! These flowers belong to the large family called Liliaceae. Within this family are more than 160 genera of plants. In cats, the genera about which we are concerned are Lilium and Hemerocallis.

Lilium species. are called “true lilies” and include:

  • Asiatic (L. asiatic)
  • Asiatic hybrid (L. elegans)
  • Tiger (L. lancifolium)
  • Stargazer (L. orientalis)
  • Rubrum (L. speciosum rubrum)
  • Red / Western / Wood (L. umbellatum)
  • Easter (L. longiflorum)
Easter lilies (Lilium longiflorum)

Easter lilies (Lilium longiflorum)

Hemerocallis species are “day lilies”, and include:

  • Day lilies (H. dumortierei; H. fulva)
  • Orange day lilies (H. graminea)
  • Early day lilies (H. sieboldii)
Orange day lily (H. graminea)

Orange day lily (H. graminea)

Some plants are called lilies, but really aren’t at all. For example:

  • Calla lilies (Zantedeschia)
  • Peace lilies (Spathiphyllum)
  • Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis)
Lily of Valley (Convallaria majalis)

Lily of Valley (Convallaria majalis)

One should note these plants still pose a toxic threat to pets, but the toxic principle is different Lilium and Hemerocallis species.

Lilies – Why are they toxic?

To date, veterinarians don’t know the exact mechanism of toxicity. But what we do know is all parts of the plant are toxic – leaves, stems, pollen, and even water from vases! We do know the toxic component is water soluble and may be a mixture of compounds called steroidal glycoalkaloids, specifically solasodine trisaccharides. The poisonous compounds seem to target the kidneys and the pancreas. The toxin attacks mitochondria, the proverbial power plant of cells, to negatively affect function and energy production. In the kidneys, the result is rapidly progressive acute kidney injury due to sloughing of dying structures called renal tubular epithelial cells. In the pancreas, special cells called acinar cells progressively degenerate.

Lilies – What does intoxication look like?

The diagnosis of lily toxicosis is relatively straightforward. Pet parents should immediately seek medical treatment for any cat suspected or known to have ingested or chewed any part of a lily plant. Cats with lily intoxication typically develop clinical signs within 12 hours. Without treatment, death often occurs 3-5 days after exposure. Rarely, cats succumb within a few hours of intoxication.

Common clinical signs are:

  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy & weakness
  • Reduced (or loss of) appetite
  • Change in thirst (increased or decreased)
  • Depression
  • Drooling (called ptyalism)
  • Unsteadiness while walking (called ataxia)
  • Increase vocalization
  • Seizures
  • Abnormal urination (increased or decreased frequency)

Veterinarians should evaluate blood and urine samples from cats with lily intoxication. Evidence of acute kidney injury is often present, including severe derangements in values called blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (CREA), phosphorus, potassium, amylase, and creatine kinase. Examination of urine is imperative and unfortunately neglected by many veterinarians. As the mantra goes, don’t forget the liquid gold! The urine of intoxicated cats may show important changes, including excess glucose, dilutional changes, and epithelial casts.

Lilies – How is intoxication treated?

Treatment of lily intoxication requires aggressive and timely interventions in a facility that can provide around-the-clock care. Your family will likely recommend transfer to a referral specialty hospital where may be directed by either a board-certified veterinary emergency and critical care specialist or internal medicine specialist.

Depending on a variety of factors, including how rapidly pet parents seek veterinary care for a cat with lily intoxication, veterinarians may induce vomiting in intoxicated cats. They may also administer a medication called activated charcoal. By vomiting affects cats and then administering activated charcoal, one may prevent or at least reduce the amount of toxin absorbed.

As mentioned earlier, the toxin attacks the kidneys and can induce acute kidney injury. As a result, the ability to produce urine is often dramatically affected. Urine production increases in some patients, but dramatically decreases and even ceases on others. For those patients still able to make adequate volumes of urine, aggressive intravenous fluid therapy is of paramount importance. Studies have repeatedly shown patients for whom fluid therapy is initiated soon after lily ingestion have improved outcomes. The duration of fluid therapy is typically 2-3 days, but many require a longer period of treatment. Patients who are unable to make urine require more aggressive intervention, including renal replacement therapy (i.e.: peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis). Unfortunately, patients who can’t produce urine have poorer prognoses, and there are limited facilities that provide renal replacement services.

Patients with lily intoxication also benefit from a variety of supportive therapies, including:

  • Anti-nausea medications
  • Stomach protective drugs
  • Nutritional support

The take-away message about lilies in cats…

Lilies (Lilium spp.) and day lilies (Hemerocallis spp.) are highly poisonous plants to cats. All parts of these plants are toxic. The toxin induces severe kidney damage and even pancreatic inflammation. Cats who receive early and aggressive treatment have good prognoses, but those who don’t receive timely veterinary care and those with acute kidney injury have more guarded outlooks. Patients who are unable to produce urine have poor prognoses. Cat parents should seek immediate veterinary medical attention for any feline friend known or suspected to have ingested or chewed any part of a lily.

Critical Care DVM


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Essential Oils for Cats: Are They Safe?

Essential Oils for Cats: Are They Safe?

Image: Pixababy

Essential oils are having a moment, turning up in everything from cleaning and personal products to medical treatments and more. But what about cat products? Are there essential oil products for cats? And are essential oils suitable for cats? Here’s what cat parents need to know.

Essential Oils: What Are They?
Essential oils are extracts of plants, such as rose and frankincense, known for their aromatic and/or medicinal properties and used in personal and household products. Note that these are different from essential fatty acids, which are important nutrients found in your cat’s food.

Essential oils are commonly used in aromatherapy, the practice of inhaling diffused oil or applying it topically to the skin, such as during a massage. The Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Trust explains that the scents and chemicals in the oils can “produce different emotional and physiological reactions” that may be helpful in reducing pain, relieving tension, and improving mood.

Personal and Household Use
With an uptick in online retailers and a renewed interest in natural health care, essential oils are more accessible than ever. People are incorporating them into everyday use in lots of different ways: cleaning sprays, hand sanitisers, fragrances, laundry detergents and skin moisturisers, to name just a few.

What does this all have to do with cats? When you have feline housemates, you want to create a safe household for cats, which means keeping harmful substances, such as essential oils, out of reach.

Essential Oils Toxic to Cats
Much like some common houseplants that are toxic for cats, Cats Protection warns that the majority of essential oils are harmful to your cat. This is especially true when they’re very concentrated, but even small amounts can be toxic. According to the PDSA the following can be especially dangerous:

  • Cinnamon
  • Citrus oils
  • Clove 
  • Eucalyptus 
  • Lavender 
  • Pennyroyal 
  • Peppermint
  • Pine
  • Sweet birch
  • Tea tree
  • Wintergreen
  • Ylang ylang

Essential oils can be bought individually, but they often appear in other household products too, such as insect repellent and paint thinner/white spirit/”turps” (turpentine is an essential oil). Products like these can be extremely toxic to cats, notes International Cat Care.

Tea Tree Oil: A Special Warning
Tea tree oil in particular is very hazardous to cats. Tea tree oil spray is often promoted as a “natural” flea remedy for pets, but The Veterinary Nurse journal warns that tea tree oil can cause skin problems, serious neurological side effects, and even death in both cats and dogs. The risk is especially high when the oil is used undiluted, with just a few drops reported to have caused side effects. To be safe, never use tea tree oil on your cat (or your dog!).

Essential Oils for Cats: Are They Safe?

Image: Pixababy

Are Any Essential Oils Safe for Cats?
In short, there are no safe essential oils for cats. Cats Protection explains that exposure to essential oils can cause organ damage, liver failure, seizures and death in cats. This might happen via:

  • Skin exposure, e.g. rubbing or spraying oil onto the cat’s fur/skin. 
  • Ingestion, e.g. the cat licking the oil from its fur/skin/paws or eating/licking something containing oils. 
  • Inhalation, e.g. the cat breathing in oils from a spray or cleaning product.

However, there are precautions you can take if you wish to use essential oils in the home. The PDSA and Cats Protection caution that products that spread essential oils into the air, such as reed diffusers, plug-ins, nebulisers and ultrasonic diffusers, may be risky as your cat can inhale the oils. Droplets of diffused oils can also land on your cat’s fur, so they could ingest oil while grooming. If you do use diffuser products, the PDSA recommends using them only in rooms where your cat can be kept out, and making sure the room is well-ventilated before allowing them back in.

Try to use cleaning and personal products without essential oils when possible. If you do use essential oils, make sure to dilute them to minimise the risk, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards before you touch your cat. Cats are great at getting onto high surfaces and into small spaces, so make sure to store essential oils (and any products that contain them) out of your cat’s reach. 

Finally, never use essential oils as a flea repellent or treatment for your cat; ask your vet for a recommendation or prescription product instead. If in doubt about using essential oils safely, speak with your vet for advice.

When to Call the Vet
According to the PDSA, symptoms of essential oil poisoning include:

  • Dribbling or drooling excessively. 
  • Vomiting.
  • Shaking or having tremors.
  • Walking unsteadily. 
  • Seeming lethargic.
  • Having difficulty breathing or wheezing.
  • Collapsing.
  • Having seizures.

Contact your vet or an emergency clinic immediately if you suspect your cat has ingested an essential oil and discontinue the use of any essential oil product you think may be causing their symptoms.

Source: Hill’s Pet Nutrition

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Toxic houseplants


Toxic houseplants

Many cat owners have opted in recent years to keep their cats indoors. This is understandable as the dangers of road traffic accidents are all too real in both rural and urban locations. But indoor living can be hazardous too. Weight gain due to inactivity or behavioural problems due to lack of stimulation are easily solved through feeding the right foods and providing toys and games that keep cats active and interested. But how else can you ensure that your indoor cat is kept safe and sound?

Safe Surroundings

Houseplants can present significant dangers to cats who are tempted to chew on leaves or flowers particularly. The part of the plant that is actually eaten can make a big difference to how a cat will be affected: daffodil bulbs for example are a common cause of poisoning in dogs but the leaves and flowers (which a cat is more likely to chew) are a much less common cause of poisoning. To be safe, daffodils and lilies are probably best avoided as they are one of the most common causes of plant poisonings in pets. It is also important to remember that fresh flower bouquets can also be eaten – Lily of the Valley for instance is toxic to cats.

The root of the problem

Your cat does not need to swallow a plant to be harmed, as some plants such as Joseph’s Coat (Croton), have toxic sap that is released when the plant is chewed, causing blistering of the mouth. However, the risks do have to be kept in proportion. In some cases the toxic reaction to plants can be very mild and in others it is ‘self limiting’ meaning that the cat will recover on its own. It is also not uncommon to see huge lists of houseplants that can cause poisoning in cats. In reality, the majority of cats will find most of these plants unattractive or uninteresting. Cyclamen for instance is often included in these lists but it is only the root that is poisonous and few cats are likely to find them so attractive that they will dig down and eat sufficient quantities to trigger a reaction.

Hot Tips

  • Avoid buying houseplants that are known to cause toxic reactions in either children or pets – if they present a danger to children, they probably present a danger to cats
  • If your cat eats a significant quantity of any houseplant or a little of a known toxic plant, or shows salivating or distress after chewing a plant, contact your vet straight away
  • Consider placing silver foil or cling film around the base of your houseplants – this makes digging around the roots of the plant unattractive.
  • Ensure your cat always has plenty of fresh water available (to avoid the temptation to chew leaves for moisture)
  • Offer toys, timed meals from automatic dishes, or a wind chime outside the window, to keep your cat amused when you are out, because boredom can lead to plant chewing.

The Most Common House Plant Poisons

  • Azalea
  • Lillies including Easter Lily, Day lily (Hemerocallis), Tiger lily
  • Croton (Joseph’s Coat)
  • Daffodils (Narciccus species)
  • Caladium
  • Dieffenbachia (Dumbcane)
  • Ficus (rubber plants, weeping and variegated fig plants)
  • Philodendron
  • Monstera (Swiss Cheese Plant)
  • Oleander
  • Poinsetta
  • Christmas Cherry
  • Holly berries

Source: Hill’s Pet Nutrition

Poisonings In The Home Environment for Pets


Poisonings In The Home Environment for Pets

Common Poisonings In the Home Environment
Understanding poisonings and toxic compounds can be summarized as follows; Not all products are equally toxic to cats and dogs or humans to the same degree. A toxin is mostly dose related, some require any exposure amount, some small amounts, some larger amounts and can also be specie specific. For example, dogs are much more susceptible to xylitol compared to cats, while cats have a deficiency in breaking down paracetamol (or acetaminophen) and therefore is completely susceptible to the drug.

Onions, garlic and eg avo’s does not always cause immediate harm but over time can accumulate in the body and lead to detrimental disease.

TEARS Vets Advise  –  the safest action is to avoid all possible toxins and to prevent exposure to the best of your ability.

Lets look at the most common house hold options that can lead to harming our pets.


1. Human prescription medications / OTC Medications
Of the most common toxicities presenting in the ER is accidental consumption of human ADHD medications, antidepressants, heart medications & pain medications (Ibuprofen, paracetomol etc) . Lately we also see many more CBC / THC toxicities. Any form of human medications must be considered detrimental to our pets, that even includes your vitamins.

TEARS Vets advise – ALWAYS keep all medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, safely stored inside a medicine cabinet or cupboard or up high where your pet can’t reach them and ask your visitors to do the same. Remind any quests at your home to do the same when visiting.

2. Foods that are toxic to pets (Active toxic ingredient in brackets)
Chocolate (Dark >>>> white) (Theobromine)
Xylitol  & – containing products (often found in sugar-free gum, health products, sugar replacments etc)
Macadamia nuts (Unknown)
Grapes, Raisins, Currents & Sultanas (Tartaric Acid)
Alcohol (Ethanol)
Caffeinated drinks (Caffeine & Theobromine)
Raw yeast dough (Ethanol / Obstruction)
Raw or undercooked meat (Bacterial eg Salmonella, E.coli)
Onions, Garlic, Chives & Leeks – Allium Family  (N-propyl disulfide & thiosulphates)
Apple Seeds (Cyanide)
Avocado’s (Persin)

TEARS Vets advise – Do not feed or offer any of these products to your pets, not even in a small amount.

3. Common foods / other items that can cause complications and death if ingested
Mielie Cobs
Apricot / Peach Pips / Acorns
Cigarettes / – butts
Mushrooms (wild growing)
Sosatie Sticks / Tooth Pick
Strings, Socks, Stockings, Christmas decorations etc
Kids toys / balls

TEARS Vets advise – Always ensure you dispose of these in a secure bin & when you take your dog for a walk, never leave them out of your site or allow them to consume unknown items.

4. Common household Items
Cleaning products (Most detergents, Drain Cleaners, Pool cleaning agents (HTH) etc)
House Renovation products (Paints, Glue, Pool additives etc)
Toilet Water Drop Ins
Anti-freeze (Fatal toxicity)

TEARS vets advise – always ensure any chemical or potentially harmful product is put away safely after use.

5. Garden Supplies (Extremely toxic – can be fatal)
Fertilizers & Insecticides (High Ammonia & bacterial counts, Pyrethroid / Organophosphates)
Rodenticides (Warfarin or Coumarins)
Snail & Slug Bait (Methaldehyde)

TEARS vets advise – Keep your pets away from contact on the day of use, safest to avoid any toxins in the environment and to investigate natural or pet friendly products instead. If any expore to toxins occured, take your pet to the vet immediately.

6. House plants / Flowers


Lilies – are highly toxic and potentially fatal to cats. Some types are also toxic to dogs. All parts of the plant, including the pollen, flower and leaves are poisonous so make sure they are well out of reach.

Other flowers & plants that can also be dangerous if eaten by your pet includes;
– Melia azedarach also known as Syringa berry tree, Chinaberry tree, Persian lilac, seringboom
– Cannabis sativa also know as Cannabis, Indian hemp, marijuana, hashish, dagga
– Solanum spp. Brunfelsia spp. Poison apples, nightshade, yesterday, today and tomorrow
– Encephalartos spp., Cycas revoluta, Macrozamia spp., Zamia spp. known as Cycad palms, broodboom – Can be fatal in dogs
– Nerium oleander (oleander, selonsroos) and Thevetia peruviana (yellow oleander)
– Euphorbia pulcherrima known as Poinsettia
– Other less common ones – Azaleas, Tulips, Daffodils, Oleander, Sago Palm, Carnations, Arum Lilly
For a more detailed list of poisonous plants go to:

TEARS vets advise – Do not plant any of these if you have pets or intend to have pets. Do not buy Lillie’s or related plants if you own cats.

7. Non-toxic but cause adverse food reactions in dogs & cats


Most dogs and cats are lactose intolerant and it is best to avoid giving them our cream, ice-cream, milk or yoghurt. It leads to digestion problems. A small lick now and then may not harm but the safest advice remains to avoid this. It is true that all milk lactose levels are not the same, and goats milk for eg maybe tolerated better.

  • Cheese – Cheeses are very high in fat; offering even a small amount (28g) to a dog or cat, equates to human eating 2-3 hamburgers at the same time. The high fat content could also trigger pancreatitis, a serious condition that can make your pet seriously ill.
  • Bacon, Chicken Skin, Braai meat fat, biltong etc – Brings us back to a high fat content that may lead to digestion upset & pancreatitis, best to avoid.
  • Bones – Chicken bones, soup bones, braaivleis bones, fish bones; any of these can lead to either breaking of teeth, obstruction in digestive canal, severe constipation and worse case scenario’s – gut perforation and death. Best to avoid offering your dog or cat any of this.

Tears Vets advise – We dental treats for dogs and cats, which is safe to give, helps to keep the gums & teeth healthy, and provides you with an enjoyable, safe way to spoil your pet. Other options are dog & cat biscuits, or chewable animal products that is produced within the PFI guidelines & Act 36 of 1947 registered.

“Boring is best” – Ensure your animal receives their balanced diets twice daily, and only spoil them with products known to be safe for consumption. Avoid all human foods & scraps off the table.

Source: TEARS Animal Rescue

Common Cat Hazards


Common Cat Hazards


Indoor and outdoor plants can pose a risk to your cat. Ingesting just a small piece of some common ornamental plants such as poinsettias could be enough to make a cat ill, and swallowing a sizable amount could prove fatal. Lilies are especially toxic to cats; they can cause life-threatening kidney failure if ingested even in tiny amounts.

Plants that are toxic for cats include (but are not limited to):

  • Poinsettias
  • Lilies
  • Mistletoe
  • Holly
  • Tulips
  • Foxglove
  • Philodendron
  • Amaryllis
  • Baby’s breath
  • Sweet William
  • Hydrangeas

Household Chemicals

Many of the chemicals around your house can present a hazard for your feline friends. Keep these materials in a place your cats can’t reach, and ensure any spills are cleaned up promptly. If you have an outdoor cat, take precautions when using these products in your yard.


  • Insecticides
  • Rodenticides

Garden products

  • Fertilizers
  • Weed killers
  • Molluscicides (snail baits and snail pellets)

Miscellaneous products

  • Ethylene glycol antifreeze
  • Paint thinner
  • Swimming pool chemicals
  • Household cleaners (including bleach, detergents, and disinfectants)

Toxic Foods

It’s tempting to give your beloved cat a treat of human food, but many of the things we enjoy are off-limits for our feline friends, including:

  • Grapes
  • Onions
  • Raisins
  • Avocados
  • Anything containing xylitol, an artificial sweetener
  • Chocolate


Human medications and flea treatments for dogs can be acutely toxic for cats. Remember: never give your cat medications without first consulting your veterinarian. Cats will often gobble up pills they find lying on tables or dropped on the floor, so be vigilant with your medications.

Some common causes of poisoning include:

  • Aspirin
  • Acetaminophen (Tylenol®)
  • Ibuprofen
  • Dietary supplements (vitamins)
  • Flea medication for dogs (Cats must not be allowed to come in contact with a treated dog for 24 hours)

Some Common Signs of Poisoning Include: 

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Seizures
  • Blood in the stool/urine
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Bruising
  • Nosebleeds
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Inability to urinate
  • Difficulty breathing

How Quickly Will My Cat Become Ill?  

This depends upon the toxin involved. By the time an owner recognizes a problem, a cat may be at significant risk for serious health problems. For this reason, a prompt veterinary consultation is essential.

What Should I Do If I Think My Cat Has Ingested Something Toxic?  

Call your veterinarian immediately. If your vet is not available, try a local emergency veterinary clinic or animal poison control help hotline (see below).

If you are aware of the toxin that your cat was exposed to, obtain a sample or a label to bring to the veterinarian or to provide information to a help hotline.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT induce vomiting unless you are specifically directed to do so. Certain poisons can cause more damage during vomiting than if left in the stomach.

Source: Cornell University