
Sidestepping the Perils of your Garden Plants

There is a surprisingly large number of plant species that render themselves poisonous to our furry companions. Although some are more toxic than others, it’s important to survey your garden, identify these perilous plants and either restrict or remove them for the safety and wellbeing of your pet.

Did you know that by either adding bran flakes to your pets’ food or including more vegetable fibres in their diet, they may be less inclined to seek out your garden vegetation?

A practical way to assess the most common of these poisonous plants is to classify them according to which system in the body they affect:


Melia azedarach (Syringa berry tree)
Alternative common names:
Seringa; Persian lilac; bead tree; berry tree; Cape lilac; China berry; China tree; white cedar (English), maksering; sering; bessieboom (Afrikaans), umsilinga (isiZulu)
Why?: The leaves, bark, flowers and ripe fruits of the Syringa berry tree are poisonous, with the berries containing the highest concentration of meliatoxins, causing a high mortality rate in affected animals who eat the fallen berries.






Cannabis sativa
Alternative common names: “Marijuana” or Dagga” plant
Why?: It’s the THC in the plants leaves that cause intoxication in animals when they either ingest the actual plant, or ingest the owners supply of the dried leaves, or products make form the leaves like cookies or other edibles. Second hand Marijuana smoke is effects pets.






Amanita Pantherina
Alternative common names: Panther Cap and False Blusher
Why?: Amanita Pantherina or “Panther Cap” is extremely poisonous. They grow under large trees in South Africa and are thought to have been accidentally introduced with trees imported from Europe. They typically flush when the temperature drops after good rain.






Datura (Moonflower)
Alternative common names:
Devil’s trumpets, Moonflowers, Jimsonweed, Devil’s Weed, Hell’s Bells, Thorn-apple
Why?: An annual weed with prickly fruit consisting of tiny pitted seeds. All species of Datura are poisonous, especially their seeds and flowers.
Did you know? Angel trumpets (Brugmansia spp.) are closely related to Daturas and are also highly toxic. These beautiful woody trees and shrubs are nevertheless popular ornamentals throughout the world.






Brunfelsia pauciflora (Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow)
Alternative common names:
Yesterday-today-and-tomorrow, Morning-noon-and-night, Kiss Me Quick, Brazil Raintree
Brunfelsia pauciflora is a species of flowering plant in the family Solanaceae, the nightshades. All parts of this plant can be poisonous to pets but it is often the seed pods falling off the tree that are particularly attractive and often eaten.






Clinical symptoms:

  • muscle tremors and/or spasms
  • restlessness
  • respiratory difficulties
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • excitement alternating with depression
  • excessive barking
  • agitation
  • hallucinations
  • staggering gait
  • dry mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth
  • increased respiration rate or constant panting
  • ataxia (loss of coordination of the limbs, head, and/or trunk)
  • paralysis
  • digestive upsets
  • drowsiness
  • seizures


Ornithogalum thyrsoides
Alternative common names:
Chincherinchee, Star-of-Bethlehem or Wonder-flower, Tjienkerientjee, Tjienk, Wit-tjienk, Viooltjie (Afr.)
Why?: A bulbous plant species that is endemic to the Cape Province in South Africa. Pets are effected when they chew on the plant and ingest it.






Ricinus communis (Castor-oil plant)
Alternative names:
Castor Bean, Castor-oil-plant, Mole Bean Plant, African Wonder Tree
Castor seed is the source of castor oil, which has a wide variety of uses. The seeds contains ricin, a highly toxic component that inhibits protein synthesis; ingestion of as little as one ounce of seeds can be lethal. Ricin is also present in lower concentrations throughout the plant and is toxic to dogs, cats and horses.






Araceae family:
All the plants in the Araceae family contains insoluble calcium oxalate crystals in their leaves and stems. Chewing or biting into this plants leaves or stem release sharp crystals which become embedded in the mucous membranes of their mouth and tongue causing severe pain and irritation of the mouth and GI tract.

Toxic plants included in this family are:

– Elephants Ear (Caladium, Malanga)






Dumb Cane (Charming Dieffenbachia, Giant Dumb Cane, Tropic Snow, Exotica, Spotted Dumb Cane, Exotica Perfection)






Delicious Monster






Arum Lily (Calla Lily, Pig Lily, White Arum, Trumpet Lily, Florist’s Calla, Garden Calla)






Alternative names:
kaffir lily, caffre lily, cape clivia, and klivia
The flowers contain lycorine and other alkaloids that are toxic to cats when ingested. Although the bulb is considered the most toxic part of the plant, cat owners should not allow their cat to eat any part of this dangerous plant. Large quantities must be ingested to cause symptoms of toxicity however it’s estimated that complete kidney failure can occur within 24 to 72 hours after ingestion. Because of this, it is imperative you take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as you recognize any of these symptoms or if you catch him in the act of eating the plant. There is no antidote for clivia poisoning, but there are other effective treatment methods available.  






Clinical symptoms:

  • vomiting
  • acute diarrhoea
  • bloating
  • cramping
  • blindness
  • multiple organ failure
  • severe pain
  • paralysis of the tongue
  • excessive salivation
  • difficulty swallowing because of a numb mouth and throat


Alternative names:
Sago Palm, Fern Palm
Cycad palms produce three toxins: cycasin, beta-methylamino-L-alanine, and an unidentified toxin. All parts of the plant are toxic, but the seeds contain higher levels of cycasin than other parts of the plant. Dogs usually ingest the seeds. Although toxic, the young leaves are palatable.






Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Alternative names:
The most common species being Microcystis. Dogs are exposed to this species by drinking or swimming in water contaminated with it. Intoxication occurs when they groom themselves, subsequently ingesting the toxic algae.






Amanita phalloides
Alternative names:
Death cap mushroom
One of the most poisonous of all know mushrooms, the death cap is extremely toxic to animals even when only a small amount is ingested. It’s toxins cause acute liver failure and can also damage other organs such as the kidneys and the intestinal tract. These toxic mushrooms resemble several edible species (caesar’s mushroom and the straw mushroom) commonly consumed by humans, increasing the risk of accidental poisoning. Amatoxins, the class of toxins found in these mushrooms, are thermostable: they resist changes due to heat, so their toxic effects are not reduced by cooking. Found growing under large trees like oak, chestnut and pine.






Clinical symptoms:

  • appetite loss
  • excessive salivation
  • depression
  • early symptoms can manifest themselves as gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting, salivation and diarrhea
  • permanent liver damage



All Lilies are toxic to cats so owners should make sure that their cats never have access to these plants. The entire plant is toxic and toxicity may occur when mouthing on or ingesting parts of the plant. Ingesting any part of the plant can cause kidney failure within 36 – 72 hours.

Toxic plants included in this family are:

– Asiatic lily





– Calla lily






– Day lily





– Easter lily





– Peace lily
The Peace lily is mildly toxic to animals when ingested. The peace lily is not a true lily from the Liliaceae family. True lilies are far more  toxic to cats and dogs. The Peace lily contains calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause skin irritation, a burning sensation in the mouth, difficulty swallowing, and nausea.





– Tiger lily





– Lily of the valley






Clinical Symptoms:
Nephrotoxin in the above mentioned lilies can lead to renal failure within 24-72 hours of consumption. It only takes ingestion of one leaf to commence renal decline.

  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Loss of appetite
  • Drooling
  • Increased urination, followed by a drastic reduction in urination for 1 – 2 days.


Oleander family of plants:

Nerium oleander
Alternative names:
Nerium, Oleander
Nerium oleander is one of the most poisonous commonly grown garden pants and is toxic in all its parts






Yellow oleander
Alternative names:
Lucky nut
All parts of the Yellow oleander plant are toxic to most vertebrates as they contain cardiac glycosides.






Digitalis (Foxgloves)
Alternative names: Foxgloves, Dead man’s bells, Witch’s gloves
Depending on the species, the Digitalis plant may contain several deadly physiological and chemically related cardiac and steroidal glycosides.  The entire plant is toxic (including the roots and seeds).






Lily of the valley
Alternative names:
May bells, Our Lady’s tears, Mary’s tears
The bulbs, flowers and berries of the Lily of the valley are poisonous. The whole plant has toxic levels of cardiac glycosides, but the bulbs contain the highest levels. Nearly 40 different cardiac glycosides have been found within the Lily of the valley plant. They also contain saponins, which is also toxic to cats and dogs.






Clinical symptoms:

  • Early indications of ingestion manifest themselves in the onset of gastrointestinal tract symptoms, such as diarrhoea, vomiting and excess salivation.
  • More severe signs subsequently follow including acute heart and respiratory distress, disturbances in cardiac rhythm and heart failure.
  • low blood pressure
  • seizures
  • coma


All  onions, raw or cooked are dangerous. They contain thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet’s body to burst.






Clinical symptoms:

  • anaemia
  • jaundice


Rubber euphorbia (Poinsettias)
Poinsettias, of which there are many varieties, contain a milky latex in the stem that is severely irritating to the skin, mucous membranes and gastrointestinal tract. The toxic principles in the latex of euphorbias are diterpenoid esters. These plants are sometimes regarded more of an irritant rather than toxic, however, poisoning by poinsettias is more frequently encountered in cats.






Dianthus caryophyllus (Carnations)
Alternative names: Carnation, Clove Pink, Pinks, Wild Carnation, Sweet William
Why: Particularly in cats when their skin comes into contact with the flower.






Grass seeds:
Grasses such as Spear grass, Rooigras (Themeda triandra), Assegaaigras and Bur Bristle grass (Setaria verticillata) have seeds that can penetrate the animals skin. This is most common between the toes of the animal but the seeds can also penetrate the skin, nose, eyes, eyelids, ears, gums or soft palate. Once the seed has penetrated the skin, they are able to migrate far inside the body.






Clinical symptoms:

  • Symptoms associated with grass seeds and awns are determined by the shape of the seed and are specific to where it has lodged itself on the pet:
  • Eyes may become inflamed and red.
  • Sneezing or nasal discharge.
  • Scratching the ear or shaking of the head.
  • Chewing on an agitated area of skin may result in abscesses developing.
  • dermatitis

What to do if your Pet is Poisoned?

  1. Have your veterinarian’s contact details along with an ER vet and Pet Poison Helpline pre-saved on your phone so it’s always available in case of an emergency.
  2. As soon as you suspect your pet has ingested a toxic substance, remove them from the area where the suspected intoxication occurred.
  3. Remove any residual poisonous substances from other pets or your children’s reach.
  4. Call your veterinarian or the national 24-hour Poisons Information Helpline on 086 155 5777.
  5. Ensure your pet is breathing and acting normally.
  6. Keep a sample of the toxic material and any other information that may be useful to the vet or the Pet Poison Helpline expert.
  7. Do not give your pet any form of prescription or over-the-counter medication to try remedy the situation without your vet’s consent.
  8. Do not feed your pet milk, oil, salt or any other home remedies.
  9. Never induce vomiting without first consulting your veterinarian.

Keep in mind that there is a narrow window period when professionals can induce vomiting or pump the stomach of toxins to save your pet. Your reaction time may make the ultimate difference in saving your loved one’s life, so act immediately.

The severity of the associated symptoms fully depends on the quantity of toxin that has been ingested and how promptly they are treated thereafter. Plant poisoning in our pet pals is uncommon, but there have been reported cases of related fatalities. By being aware of the types of plants you have in your garden, you can prevent an unnecessary incident or tragedy from happening.

Additional toxic plants to keep your pet away from:

  • Azalea
  • Baby’s breath
  • Begonia
  • Chrysanthemum
  • Cyclamen
  • Gladiola
  • Hosta
  • Ivy including the following: California, Branching, Glacier, Needlepoint, Sweetheart and English.
  • Milkweed
  • Morning glory
  • Pothos
  • Tulip/Narcissus

Avoid Other Forms of Pet Poisoning @ Home:

  • Store all household cleaning material, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, paint-related items, chemicals and vehicle-related products in secured cabinets out of your pet’s reach.
  • Even small doses of medication such as antidepressants, vitamins, pain killers, cold medicines and diet pills can be deadly to cats and dogs so keep them out of reach from your pets.
  • Only use pest baits or traps (for rats, mice, snails or cockroaches) in areas that are inaccessible to pets.
  • Only administer prescribed medication from your vet to your dog or cat as many human medications can be fatal to animals.
  • Everyday household items can cause serious harm to your pets, so keep the following inaccessible to them:
  • Consult your vet before applying a flea prevention product to sick, old or pregnant dogs.
  • Do not use products intended for dogs on cats, and vice versa.
  • Restrict your pets from accessing areas that have undergone insecticidal fogging or house sprays as indicated on the instructions.
  • Restrict your pets from gardens that have been treated with herbicides, fertilisers or insecticides until they have dried entirely.
  • Consult with a product’s manufacturer if you are unsure how to use it safely in your house.


Written for inFURmation
by Taliah Williamson

Disclaimer: The information produced by Infurmation is provided for general and educational purposes only and does not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you suspect that your pet has a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.


Senile Moments in Felines

Image: Pixabay

What is CDS in Cats?
As your kitty ages, you may unknowingly accept symptoms of senility as par for the course of aging, however feline cognitive dysfunction syndrome is now classified as a medical condition. A sad but true statistic is that 50% of cats older than 15 years of age tend to suffer from some degree of dementia, otherwise known as CDS.

Feline CDS is caused by the production of a wax-like protein sediment (beta amyloid) in the brain. The syndrome is associated to Alzheimer’s disease in humans as they both display similar physical and behavioural characteristics.



  • appears confused and lost
  • doesn’t remember people or places that were once familiar to them
  • roams mindlessly
  • becomes trapped in corners
  • gets lost in their once familiar home

Changes in Social Interactions

  • withdraws from attention
  • social relations with other animals change
  • doesn’t greet family members like they once did
  • disregard for meal times/appetite loss
  • no longer grooms themselves

Changes in Sleep Cycles

  • sleep cycles are either reversed or interrupted

House Soiling

  • unable to recall litter box training
  • unable to recall where the litter box is located
  • unable to recall what to do once in the litter box

Compulsive Behaviour

  • wails for no apparent reason
  • paces continuously
  • mindlessly licks objects
  • experiences tremors
  • restlessness and/or anxiety

Diagnosing CDS
Diagnosing CDS is more challenging than one would expect. CDS takes on symptoms similar to that of other diseases such as arthritis, kidney disease, deafness, blindness, brain tumors or hyperthyroidism, therefore these conditions must first be ruled out before CDS can be accurately diagnosed.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for CDS. However, your veterinarian may prescribe certain medications and behavioural therapy to increase your cat’s cognitive function and slow down any associated decline.

Feed your kitty a wholesome diet enriched with antioxidants, vitamin E, beta carotene and essential fatty acids.

Rearrange your home environment to better accommodate your cat’s condition, such as:

  • placing numerous food and water bowls as well as litter boxes around the home so they are more accessible to your kitty
  • adhering to regular feeding times so your kitty’s expectations to a certain routine are met
  • replacing old litter trays with wider, more shallow rims so your kitty can access them easily. Using sand-like litter is also gentler on their sensitive aging paw pads
  • ensuring any changes to their environment are done incrementally so to avoid your kitty from developing unnecessary anxiety and stress
  • preparing soft and cosy resting spots throughout the home, preferably with a ramp or stairs so your kitty can easily access their numerous safe havens
  • imparting as much love that your cat desires but don’t smother them as this may agitate or stress them out

Studies have proven that by physically and mentally stimulating your cat from an early age, you are able to prevent or even offset the negative effects of dementia by keeping their brain young and active. Try some of the following to stimulate your kitty:

  • Provide your cat with mentally-engaging entertainment such as placing bird feeders and bird baths outside your windows for your cat’s amusement.
  • Cat trees are a great source for climbing, discovering and resting.
  • By teaching your cat to walk on a leash, you’re able to expose them to an array of new opportunities, places and discoveries.
  • Food-incentive treats are a terrific way to teach your cat new tricks that stimulate both their mind and body.
  • Disperse limited amounts of cat food around the home in bowls so your kitty is encouraged to seek the food.
  • Puzzle toys reward the cat for their interest by releasing treats. This behaviour imitates that of felines’ natural hunting tendencies and will keep your kitty stimulated both mentally and physically.

Feline senility can be a very traumatic experience, not only for you, but your cat too. Remember to continuously invigorate and entertain your kitty throughout their life so their bodies remain agile and able and their minds sharp. When your cat reaches their “geriatric” years, it’s essential to realise that undesired actions are unintentional on their part and they too, are undergoing stress and frustrations, if not more, than what you are, so acceptance, patience and compassion are key.

Written for inFURmation
by Taliah Williamson


Disclaimer: The information produced by Infurmation is provided for general and educational purposes only and does not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your vet or other qualified health care provider prior to starting any new diet or treatment and with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. If you suspect that your pet has a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.

Stomach Twisting in Dogs – What to look out for

Stomach Twisting in Dogs - What to look out for

Image: Pixabay

Stomach twisting, or gastric torsion syndrome, is a serious condition that occurs in some dogs. Gastric torsion can be lifethreatening if not treated quickly, in fact the mortality rate is very high as your dog can die within hours of the stomach twisting: It is always fatal for dogs that don’t get treatment. Dogs that do get taken to the vet have a 65% chance of survival.

No One really knows what exactly causes a dog’s stomach to twist, but most physicians think that it comes from the accumulation of gas in the stomach. Ligaments in the stomach stretch and twist when there’s lots of inflammation and gas, and they may ultimately not be able to hold the stomach in its normal position, and t weight of the spleen (which is located next to the stomach) makes the dog’s intestines twist.

When the intestines get twisted, the body’s blood supply collapses and cuts off blood flow to the arteries and veins that run through the stomach. The dog’s blood can’t reach vital organs to oxygenate them, including the heart. This lack of blood supply can cause cardiac arrhythmia and, ultimately, send the dog into fatal shock. It also blocks any exit points for the food, air, or water the dog consumed. This can be lifethreatening in a matter of hours, especially for a deepchested breed like Bulldogs.

Other possible causes include:

  1. Eating large quantities at once: If your dog eats voraciously or drinks liquid quickly, he is more likely to suffer from stomach twisting. Gastric torsion is also more common in dogs that scarf down the food of all the pets in the house after gobbling up their own. Make sure that your dog doesn’t eat too much food right after exercising either, as this can cause stomach issues as well.

  2. Diseases: Elderly dogs are vulnerable to gastric torsion, especially if they can’t pass gas correctly due to stomach issues. If you know that one of your dog’s parents had gastric torsion, keep a closer eye on your pet because genetics do play a role.

  3. Stress: Changes in your dog’s routine like moving to another house, their owner traveling a lot, spending a long time alone, or a family member dying can make him eat more and be more likely to get gastric torsion.

  4. Dog breed: While any dog could experience gastric torsion, some breeds are more vulnerable. Pay special attention if your dog has a deep chest and distended stomach, if he’s from a typically large breed, or is in the Molosser category. The following breeds are more likely to get gastric torsion: Dobermans, Chow Chows, German Shepherds, Greyhounds, Dalmatians, Saint Bernards, Weimaraners and Boxers. However, Bulldogs are known to suffer from it as well.

When you see several of these symptoms at once, go to the vet immediately:

  • Restlessness: Restless, not being able to lay still, constantly looking uncomfortable

  • Inflammation in the abdomen: stomach looks extended.

  • Vomiting: When the dog tries to vomit, the only thing he expels is a frothy saliva.

  • Belching: a lot of saliva and abdominal spasms.

  • Difficulty breathing

  • Weakness

Diagnosing and treating gastric torsion in dogs

Once you realize that your dog might have gastric torsion, it is extremely important that you get him to the vet immediately. When you load him in the car, try to move him around as little as possible; make sure he’s comfortable during the ride. Your vet will xray his stomach to see if the hole that connects the stomach with the intestine has been displaced. The vet will then give your dog antibiotics and fluids intravenously and extract the contents of his stomach using a tube. Finally, the veterinarian will surgically reattach the stomach to the abdominal wall to avoid future twisting. If the dog survives, the next 48 hours will be critical.

This is because the toxic hormones produced by the pancreas as it is deprived of oxygen, can cause your dogs heart to stop, even after treatment these hormones can still affect your dog, proving fatal.

Stomach Twisting in Dogs - What to look out for

Image: Pixabay

What are some steps to prevent gastric torsion?
To prevent your pet from suffering from gastric torsion, we recommend that you:

  • Use slow feeding bowls: Slowfeeding bowls are a very effective means to prevent bloat in dogs. Since it slows down feeding, the canine’s stomach won’t fill too fast. It will also prevent your dog from swallowing excessive amounts of air. Moreover, slowfeeding bowls are designed with various patterns to prevent canines from taking big bites. Depending on the design, these bowls can slow down your dog’s eating by up to 10 times. Aside from preventing bloat, slowfeeding bowls also help with digestion. The bonus part is that these bowls are available in different colors, sizes, and price ranges.

  • Limit water intake after a meal, because too much water on top of a large meal can easily build pressure on the stomach. Another problem with too much water intake is that dogs also swallow air as they lap on the bowl. This doubles the risk of stomach twisting. With that, you should only offer a small amount of water at a time. After a few hours, you can refill the dog’s bowl to ensure that its stomach is ready to accommodate more fluids.

  • Schedule exercise wisely, as much as ample exercise is necessary to keep dogs healthy, you should never schedule it right

    before or after a meal. This strenuous physical exertion will rotate the stomach, often in a sharper turn that’s hard to fix.

    With that, it’s safer to put off your dog’s exercise for at least two hours before or after a meal. This period is enough for a dog to calm down and process the meal it just ate. But if you can wait longer, it would be safer, especially for a bloatprone breed like Bulldogs.
  • Monitor your dog’s feeding. If your dog is prone or has experienced bloating before, it’s crucial to monitor its feeding. Sometimes, it pays to watch your dog eat. This is so you can identify potential signs of stomach twisting as it occurs. It can be lifesaving since this condition can kill a canine within hours. If you tend to get busy, try feeding your dog at the same time as you eat. This will let you check on your pooch as you also enjoy your meal.

Source: English & French Bulldog Rescue SA


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