Animal Ambulance

The Animal Ambulance is a 24hr emergency shelter for sick and abused animals. The Animal Ambulance was established in 2002. We are a registered non profit organisation and exist entirely on donations from individuals and fundraising events. We receive no funding from the government.

Contacts: Maria Phelan (General Manager)
Tel: 083 241 4452


Charity profile

The Animal Ambulance is a 24hr emergency shelter for sick and abused animals. The purpose of The Animal Ambulance is to aid abused and sick animals who without our help would die an often painful death. We believe in giving all animals a second chance as we are a pro life shelter.

After the animal is rehabilitated we offer them up for adoption in exchange for a fee. All our dogs are sterilized except the puppies.

At the shelter, the animals are treated as family and are not kept outdoors, in a cage or a kennel. They are not watchdogs – they are pets.

NPO Number: 2010/012064/08


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