Entries by Bronwyn Hayes

Diabetes in Dogs – all you need to know

As is the case with humans, diabetes in canines is a manageable disease. With the appropriate lifestyle changes such as dietary control, exercise and effective treatment, your dog’s quality of life can be significantly enhanced, restoring their activity levels and contributing to their overall sense of well-being. Causes Diabetes mellitus in dogs is categorised under Type 1 and Type 2, where the former is an insulin deficiency while the latter is marked by insulin resistance. The primary cause of Type 1 diabetes in canines is associated with pancreatitis, a condition that leads to damaging of the cells responsible for producing […]

A Taste of New-Age Kennels

Your Pets’ Home Away from Home Excitement looms as your holiday or business trip draws to a near, but with that comes an overwhelming sense of anxiety as you worry about what to do with your treasured pet whilst you’re gone. Luckily, pet kenneling has come a long way since the times of cold, sterile spaces that kept our angels locked up in menial steel cages and concrete runs, with lack of human affection and socialisation with their fellow furry counterparts for weeks at a time. Some kennels may still follow this model, but there is a plethora of modern […]

Six problems your dog’s diet could be causing

You’ve played fetch, gone for a walk, dewormed, bought a new comfortable bed, and provided an endless supply of squeaky toys, and your fur-kid still seems a little down, which leaves you with that helpless feeling and no clue what’s wrong with them. From rumbly tummies to skin allergies and changes in mood and behaviour, not being able to help them feel their best is heart-wrenching. However, half the battle is won if you’re confident that the food you’re feeding them on the daily isn’t the root cause of bringing them down. Head Behaviourist at Dogtown South Africa, Gordon Banks, […]

Chain your dog and face a hefty fine, says SPCA

Animal abusers could face a R60 000 fine or three years in prison THE Durban & Coast SPCA has issued a warning to all pet owners to refrain from keeping their dogs chained, or they could face a hefty fine. This comes after an inspector was called out to Rinaldo Road in Glenhills where a Staffie was being chained in the property. “A warning was issued to the homeowner and scheduled checkups will be done,” said SPCA spokesperson, Lindsey Concer. She said the owner alleged that the dog was being chained because he would jump over the fence into a neighbour’s yard. Concer […]

Fireworks – A Pet’s Display from Hell

The season of celebration is upon us with Guy Fawkes, Diwali and New Years around the corner. Many people enjoy celebrating these joyous occasions with colourful explosions of fireworks that spur excitement and wonder amongst viewers. While humans may appreciate the bedazzling display of lights, the same cannot be said for our furry counterparts, especially dogs who may undergo stress and anxiety when being exposed to sudden, unfamiliar loud bangs. Keep your furry friends’ terror at bay this festive season with this useful guide: Why are Animals Scared of Fireworks? Pets have an incredibly responsive and acute sense of hearing, […]

Feed Your Cat’s Curiosity with WHISKAS® Meaty Nugget Taste Sensation

Feed Your Cat’s Curiosity with WHISKAS® Meaty Nugget Taste Sensation  Cats are happiest when they are able to embrace their curious nature and explore the world around them. As cat owners, it’s our duty to stimulate their enquiring minds and keep them satisfied – and there is no better way to arouse the interest of our fluffy companions than through their food. WHISKAS®, the authorities on cat nutrition, have the following advice: MIX IT UP: There is a reason dry food is just as important for your cat’s health as wet food. Dry food supports teeth and gums, contains fibre […]

Pet Talk: Why is my dog coughing?

Why is my dog coughing? In my many years of practicing veterinary medicine here in the Vail Valley, I have seen innumerable coughing dogs, at all seasons of the year from many different causes, and some more life threatening than others. As a pet owner, when should you get concerned when your pet is exhibiting a cough? What signs would you look for and what could this cough represent? It’s normal for your pets to sniff and get their noses where perhaps they can be exposed to bacteria, viruses or even foreign material such as grass. But why is your […]

Free-running pack dogs: The latest ‘weapon’ against poaching in SA

Free-running pack dogs: The latest ‘weapon’ against poaching in SA Earlier this year 10 counter-poaching dogs arrived at the O.R. Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg from Texas. The dogs reportedly arrived in South Africa about a month ago as they joined the K9 Unit at the Southern African Wildlife College (SAWC) to help stop poaching in SA. The SAWC was established in 1966 and is about 10km west of the Kruger National Park. It offers conservation education and training, according to Times Live. The dogs are reportedly a gift from a breeder in Texas and are not defined as ‘house pets’. These dogs […]

Heartbreaking reason why you shouldn’t leave the room while your pet when is being put down

Heartbreaking reason why you shouldn’t leave the room while your pet when is being put down A VET in South Africa has revealed the reason why you should never leave the room when your beloved pet is being put down – and it’s a real tearjerker. Many owners unable to cope with their much-loved pet facing its final moments choose to leave the room, but this is exactly what you shouldn’t do, according to the Hillcrest Veterinary Hospital in South Africa. The reason is that when the owner leaves the room the animal spends its final moments frantically looking for […]

First pet food made catering to critically ill dogs and cats

First pet food made catering to critically ill dogs and cats Cape Town – A major animal food company announced the launch of its new ICU liquid diet range in South Africa.  It’s the first intensive care liquid nutrition of its kind in South Africa and meets the nutritional needs of critically ill hospitalised cats and dogs in intensive care.      Previously, when veterinarians needed to feed patients who were unable to eat or were refusing food, they had to emulsify a wet food product in hopes of getting it liquidised enough to travel through a narrow feeding tube. Oftentimes, […]